Saturday, November 23, 2013

God Understands

I have had many thoughts running through my head lately:
Why is God allowing people I love to suffer?
Why is He allowing diseases that cause instant fear to attack family members?
Why aren't jobs going the way that seemed best?
Why do doors that I thought would open seem to always close?

There are times I don't know what to aye....don't know what to do...don't know what to pray. 

This much I do know....
God understand. 
He understands our fears. He understands our concerns. He understands out frustrations. And he also understands our needs. 
He has promised that he will never leave us or forsake us. 
God heals bodies.
God cures diseases.
God eases pain.
When we get the diagnosis that we don't want...God is there.
When we don't get the job we want...God is there.

God has given me the most amazing family I could have ever hoped for. 
I don't have to have all of the answers...Because I know the One who does!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

What's the cost?

I heard this today, and thought it was amazing:

One day an older gentleman was walking down the road when he saw a boy walking toward him carrying a bag. The older gentleman asked what what was in the bag, the boy replied "birds."

"What are you going to do with them?" Asked the older man.

"I am going to pull off all of their feathers, torture them...and then kill them!" Replied the boy.

The older man asked, "what will it cost for the bag?"

"Five dollars," said the boy...."Done" said the man. He took the bag opened it, and very gently set the birds free.

One day God was walking down and He saw satan walking toward him carrying a bag.

"What's in the bag?" Asked God.

"People" replied satan.

"What are you going to do with them." God asked.

Satan replied "I am going to tortuous them, destroy their families, and when I am tired of that, I will throw them into Hell."

"What's the cost for the bag?" God asked.

"You're only son." Replied satan.

God said..."Done!"

Thursday, March 21, 2013

So This is Faith!

Faith is often defined as "a firm belief in something that cannot be seen." Do we really that much faith? I know, at times, I don't. I know that I often find myself wondering. Wondering if I have enough faith for things to happen....That's the wrong approach. The truth is, our Faith is misplaced. We want to have faith in things (faith that my car will start.) Faith in governments (don't get me started!!!) Faith in people who are in the same boat as we are (not that that's a bad is what it is!!) The question is, How is our Faith in God? Why is it that we trust the car to start, but we don't trust the One who provided the car? We have faith in the politician, but we lack faith in the One who we want to guide the politician. My faith has been tested quite a few times, and every time, God has proved Himself to be completely faithful. God will do what He promises He will do. Does God always give us everything we want?.....NO...and aren't you glad he doesn't? But God is ALWAYS ready to give us what we need...Our job is to accept it. He gives it freely, but he doesn't MAKE us take it. How messed up would our lives be if God gave us everything WE wanted. What I know is, if I will be patient, he will give me what HE wants for be, and that will be so much better. If faith is the belief in things we cannot see then I have it....well, not really...because while I cannot physically SEE God, I can see His work and His hand all around me. That is the faith I have....and That is the Faith I want!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

When the pastor isn't preaching...

You know the feeling. It's Sunday, and the pastor isn’t preaching. Man it's tempting to just stay in bed...sleep late....have an early lunch....actually get to the restaurant FIRST. No one will care...because the pastor isn't preaching. Twice, recently, we have had days when the pastor wasn't preaching. Once we had a missionary in. I really feel sorry for those guys. They rely us to supply their needs...I know, I know...they rely on God...but you know where I am going with this. We support them financially, but we won't show up when they are preaching....They talk too long, it's the same old thing, all they want is money,...What they really want is for us to show that we care about what they are doing. They know that what they do matters in Africa, or Mexico, or the ends of the earth...but does it matter to the folks at home? We need to support those people who sacrifice so much to serve others. They need to know that we are supporting them spiritually as well as financially.The other day the pastor wasn't preaching was the day the associate pastor preached. Now let me say, we have a great pastor AND a great associate pastor. Recently, when the associate pastor preached, I noticed that several people were not at church. What a shame because they missed a great sermon. But there was something else they missed. I couldn't help but notice the pastor. Watching him react to what the associate pastor was saying really touched me. Pastors need be ministered to as well. They need to hear messages as well as present them. Pastors need to be fed. So the next time you hear that the pastor is going to be out, GO. You will be blessed, and you will be a blessing.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Our Walk

We all have "a walk." It's what we's who we are... It's what others see.
Sometimes it's easy, fun, exciting. We see God's hand moving. We watch, knowing that something amazing is about to happen.
Then there are the other days. The days we feel like failures. You know; the days the kids hate you or when they royally mess up. The days we hurt our spouses. The days that everything seems to go wrong.
What do we do on THOSE days? Do we still thank God? Do we still give Him honor and glory? He wants us to!! If we don't, what aee we saying about God?
I know it's not always easy ... Believe me! But if we don't we are sending a message to those who are watching us that God isn't God.
Think about Job... No matter what happened, he never stopped trusting and praising God.
Paul and Silas had a heck of a praise service in PRISON!!
We need that kind of walk. A walk that shows the world where our trust is.
Not in a political party, political party, program... And not even in a church. But trust in God to know that, no matter what He is in control.
Will God make everything easy? Ask Job!
His promise is that he will never leave us or forsake us. And as far as being perfect? I'm just glad I am forgiven!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

The End of the Beginning

The name comes from a song title. David Phelps sang the song of how the death of Jesus wasn't the end, but the end of the beginning. Thats kinda how I feel right now. A chapter has ended, but I know that end is only the end of the beginning. Soon the next chapter will begin. Not sure what it will be, but it will begin. God is the author. He won't let me write it...I'd probably just mess it up anyway...So I am glad He is the author. I can't say there haven't been some anxious moments, and there may be a few more...but I know that the story will be great, because the Author is perfect.
So here's to the end of the beginning!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

All Good Things...

I started this blog with the goal of sharing some of the things that have touched me over the years. Things that kids have done....some funny, some sad, some that just make you think; and that is still going to be the focus...but every once in a while something happens to me that i feel like sharing.

Call it it it whatever you want, this is one of those stories.

I spent 16 years teaching at a campus that was urban, economically disadvantaged, at risk, with a large special ed population. I loved it!!! The things we were able to accomplish were often remarkable. I left there to take a job as an Assistant Principal on a campus that was more rural....but still with a large special ed and at risk population.

I felt like this would be an opportunity to prove a theory:

You see, many people want to pin all of the issues in education on a racial divide. I went into this year with the assumption that it was all about economics. What I saw is that it is really all about involvement.

Minority or Majority
Rich or Poor
Regular Ed or Special Ed

The bottom line is that it begins and ends with families being actively involved in the lives and education of their children. Where there is active involvement the children have a much greater rate of success. Not all will be straight "A" students, but they will be more successful with involved families.

Its a simple concept, but in today's society it is difficult to achieve. In some cases people are simple too busy... desperately trying to make ends meet. Sadly, in all to many cases, parents chose to be uninvolved. I am amazed by the number of parents who say "I ask them if they have homework...and they say no." And you BELIEVE them. Then there are the parents who chose to not ask. Its sad, but true. And some genuinely wonder why their kids are not successful.
We were extremely successful this year because we have an amazingly dedicated staff and wonderfully active parents. It wasn't wasn't really economics (OK I was wrong)... it was involvement.

All good know the rest!

I found out that my little experiment is coming to an end...not by my choice. I was told (as was my principal and a great teacher) that my services would not be required next year.

Apprehension...a little

But this I know....God opens doors...He opened this one, He will open another. Another experiment will begin, more pages will be added, more pages will be written. I have a few weeks left. Don't really know how I will feel as the end gets closer. Sometimes it is simply our job to plant the seed, not to harvest the crop. So, I will do what He calls me to do in this field. Soon, I will move to another!